Thursday 24 January 2013


Hai assalamualaikum :))

for the first time Nurul would like to post about the beauty or known as loveliness. and Nurul trust every gegurl excited to this. so please nutation gather haha

just want to share the simple method and the best way

first, for those who want to soften your hands
you can put the toothpaste sebesar saiz kacang pada tangan yang basah
then you smooth it until you see bubbles
and wash it
you can feel that your hands become more soften.

second, for those who want to redden the lips
you just put the honey at your lips and apply it gently
you can apply it before you go to the bed
istiqamah with this and Insyaallah your lips become more redden.

third, for those who want to remove the pimple
you just mix the cold powder and tamarind
selawat for 3 times
then you apply at your face nicely 
insyaAllah the pimple disappear slowly

okay I think 3 is enough then. Em if you want more , you can leave the comment. 

p/s : boleh bukak pusat kecantikan satu hari nanti :))

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